The spine is the most vital part of the human body. The meric chart below allows you to see what organs are affected by specific vertebrae in the spine. “The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body.” (Gray’s Anatomy, 29th Ed., page 4)
Upper neck, upper Cervical Spine (C1-C2)
- C1 - Brain, Nasal Sinuses, Middle Ear, Scalp
- C2 - Eyes, Auditory Nerves, Sinuses, Forehead
Mid/Lower Neck, Cervical Spine (C3-C7)
- C3 - Cheeks, Outer Ear, TrigeminalNerve
- C4 - Nose, Lips, Mouth, EustachianTube
- C5 - Vocal Cords, Neck Glands, Throat, Arm
- C6 - Neck Muscles, Shoulders, Tonsils
- C7 - Thyroid, Shoulders, Elbows
Mid Back, Thoracic Spine (T1-T12)
- T1 - Arms, Elbows, Hands, Throat
- T2 - Heart, Coronary Arteries
- T3 - Lungs, Pleura, Chest, Breast
- T4 - Gallbladder, Common Duct
- T5 - Liver, Circulation
- T6 - Stomach
- T7 - Pancreas, Small Intestine
- T8 - Spleen
- T9 - Adrenal Glands
- T10 - Kidneys
- T11 - Kidneys, Ureters
- T12 - Small Intestines, Lymph Circulation
Lower Back, Lumber Spine (L1-L5)
- L1 - Large intestine, Groin
- L2 - Appendix, Abdomen, Upper Leg
- L3 - Sex Organs, Uterus, Bladder, Knees
- L4 - Prostate, Lower Back, Muscles, SciaticNerve
- L5 - Lower Legs, Ankles, Feet
Sacrum (5 segments) Fused in Adults
- S1-S5 - Hip Bones, Buttocks
Coccyx (4 segments fused) Tailbone